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TD-610Expanded PTFE Joint sealant Tape with self-adhesiveThe tapeis very novel sealing material made of pure PTFE through a unique process, tensile  product is an ideal sealing material applied at the positions of intermediate and low temperature. The filling is convenient and quick, it does not need to dismantle the valve, only need to circle the filling on the valve lever, thrusts it into the packing box, press the cap of the box, it will be pressed densely, also because its soft plastic deformation, it can fill the leakage gap automatically, it also may fill the trench on the packing valve lever, it works on corrode or the attrition old valve. Its self lubrication made the valve to open flexibly.
l         各种搪瓷衬里、玻璃衬里、塑料衬里、橡胶衬里、石墨衬里及不锈钢、钛钢的塔、热交换器、反应釜等法兰面的密封;
l         各种管道和管配件的法兰面密封;
l         表面加工精度较差,不平整区域较大,形状不规则,螺栓紧固力不易用足或不宜过大的大口径

